Wednesday, March 20, 2013

1110.0634 (Christian Forssén et al.)

Systematics of 2+ states in C isotopes from the ab initio no-core shell

Christian Forssén, Robert Roth, Petr Navrátil

1303.4013 (L. S. Myers et al.)

Monte Carlo Simulation of the Photon-Tagger Focal-Plane Electronics at
the MAX IV Laboratory

L. S. Myers, G. Feldman, K. G. Fissum, L. Isaksson, M. A. Kovash, A. M. Nathan, R. E. Pywell, B. Schröder

1303.4080 (J. W. Beeman et al.)

Performances of a large mass ZnSe bolometer to search for rare events    [PDF]

J. W. Beeman, F. Bellini, L. Cardani, N. Casali, I. Dafinei, S. Di Domizio, F. Ferroni, L. Gironi, A. Giuliani, S. Nagorny, F. Orio, L. Pattavina, G. Pessina, G. Piperno, S. Pirro, E. Previtali, C. Rusconi, C. Tomei, M. Vignati

1303.4132 (W. C. Haxton et al.)

Hadronic Parity Violation    [PDF]

W. C. Haxton, B. R. Holstein

1303.4252 (S. Courtin et al.)

Electromagnetic Decay of Molecular States    [PDF]

S. Courtin, A. Goasduff, F. Haas

1303.4308 (Stepan G. Mashnik et al.)

MCNP6 Fission Cross Section Calculations at Intermediate and High

Stepan G. Mashnik, Arnold J. Sierk, Richard E. Prael

1303.4316 (Stepan G. Mashnik et al.)

MCNP6 Study of Fragmentation Products from 112Sn + 112Sn and 124Sn +
124Sn at 1 GeV/nucleon

Stepan G. Mashnik, Arnold J. Sierk

1303.4321 (Stepan G. Mashnik et al.)

MCNP6 Simulation of Quasi-Monoenergetic 7Li(p,n) Neutron Sources below
150 MeV

Stepan G. Mashnik, Jeffrey S. Bull

1303.4326 (W. R. Zimmerman et al.)

Unambiguous Identification of the Second 2+ State in 12C and the
Structure of the Hoyle State

W. R. Zimmerman, M. W. Ahmed, B. Bromberger, S. C. Stave, A. Breskin, V. Dangendorf, Th. Delbar, M. Gai, S. S. Henshaw, J. M. Mueller, C. Sun, K. Tittelmeier, H. R. Weller, Y. K. Wu

1303.4494 (J. W. Shin et al.)

Polarization of the neutron induced from hadronic weak interactions in
the photo-disintegration of the deuteron

J. W. Shin, C. H. Hyun, S. -I. Ando, S. W. Hong

1303.4515 (N. M. Agababyan et al.)

Study of nuclear effects in the inclusive neutrinoproduction of the
δ^{++}(1232) isobar

N. M. Agababyan, N. Grigoryan, H. Gulkanyan, A. A. Ivanilov, V. A. Korotkov

1303.4582 (M. S. Hussein et al.)

Complete Fusion of Weakly Bound Cluster-Type Nuclei at Near Barrier

M. S. Hussein, P. R. S. Gomes, J. Lubian, R. Linares, L. F. Canto

1303.4637 (R. Bevilacqua et al.)

Light-ion production from O, Si, Fe and Bi induced by 175 MeV
quasi-monoenergetic neutron

R. Bevilacqua, S. Pomp, K. Jansson, C. Gustavsson, M. Osterlund, V. Simutkin, M. Hayashi, S. Hirayama, Y. Naitou, Y. Watanabe, A. Hjalmarsson, A. Prokofiev, U. Tippawan, F. -R. Lecolley, N. Marie, S. Leray, J. -C. David, S. Mashnik

1303.4656 (Hua Zheng et al.)

Comment on 'Evidence for Stratification of Deuterium-Tritium Fuel in
Inertial Confinement Fusion Implosions'

Hua Zheng, Aldo Bonasera

1303.4662 (K. Hebeler et al.)

Equation of state and neutron star properties constrained by nuclear
physics and observation

K. Hebeler, J. M. Lattimer, C. J. Pethick, A. Schwenk

1303.4667 (The KamLAND Collaboration)

Reactor On-Off Antineutrino Measurement with KamLAND    [PDF]

The KamLAND Collaboration

1303.4698 (Yoritaka Iwata)

Time-scaled scenario of low-energy heavy-ion collisions    [PDF]

Yoritaka Iwata