Wednesday, July 17, 2013

1307.4139 (Stephen Lars Olsen)

Properties of non-q\bar{q} XYZ mesons and results of a search for the

Stephen Lars Olsen

1307.4148 (J L Han et al.)

The performance of a double sided silicon strip detector as a
transmission detector for heavy ions

J L Han, J B Ma, X G Cao, Q Wang, J S Wang, Y Y Yang, P Ma, M R Huang, S L Jin, X J Rong, Z Bai, F Fu, Q Hu, R F Chen, S W Xu, J B Chen, L Jin, Y Li, M H Zhao, H S Xu

1307.4202 (Ad. R. Raduta et al.)

Clusterized nuclear matter in the (proto-)neutron star crust and the
symmetry energy

Ad. R. Raduta, F. Aymard, F. Gulminelli

1307.4210 (W. Reisdorf)

Heavy ion collisions in the 1A GeV regime: how well do we join up to

W. Reisdorf

1307.4254 (M K Singh et al.)

Study of Target Dependence of Clan Model Parameter in 84^Kr_36 -
Emulsion Interactions at 1 GeV per nucleon

M K Singh, A K Soma, V Singh, R Pathak

1307.4338 (M. A. Mamun et al.)

The effect of heat treatments and coatings on the outgassing rate of
stainless steel chambers

M. A. Mamun, A. A. Elmustafa, M. L. Stutzman, P. A. Adderley, M. Poelker