Wednesday, August 1, 2012

1207.7115 (Baldo Sahlmueller et al.)

Direct Photon Measurements at PHENIX    [PDF]

Baldo Sahlmueller, for the PHENIX collaboration

1207.7156 (Alán Dávila et al.)

Proton/Pion ratios in Δφwith respect to a jet in sqrt{s_{NN}}
=200 GeV Au+Au collisions at STAR

Alán Dávila, for the STAR Collaboration

1207.7163 (B. Eakins et al.)

Heavy Diquark Symmetry Constraints for Strong Decays    [PDF]

B. Eakins, W. Roberts

1207.7166 (Anthony Kesich)

Measurements of $Υ$ Production and Nuclear Modification Factor at

Anthony Kesich

1207.7183 (O. Adriani et al.)

Measurement of zero degree inclusive photon energy spectra for
$\sqrt{s}=$ 900 GeV proton-proton collisions at LHC

O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, M. Bongi, G. Castellini, R. D'Alessandro, K. Fukatsu, M. Haguenauer, T. Iso, Y. Itow, K. Kasahara, K. Kawade, T. Mase, K. Masuda, H. Menjo, G. Mitsuka, Y. Muraki, K. Noda, P. Papini, A. -L. Perrot, S. Ricciarini, T. Sako, K. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, K. Taki, T. Tamura, S. Torii, A. Tricomi, W. C. Turner

1207.7187 (Andreas Morsch et al.)

Jet-like near-side peak shapes in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 2.76
TeV with ALICE

Andreas Morsch, for the ALICE Collaboration

1207.7195 (Misha Veldhoen et al.)

p/pi Ratio in Di-Hadron Correlations    [PDF]

Misha Veldhoen, for the ALICE Collaboration

1207.7239 (Giacomo Ortona et al.)

Open-charm meson elliptic flow measurement in Pb-Pb collisions at
sqrt(sNN) = 2.76 TeV with ALICE at the LHC

Giacomo Ortona, for the ALICE Collaboration

1207.7310 (Richard Seto et al.)

The sPHENIX Forward Angle Spectrometer    [PDF]

Richard Seto, for the PHENIX collaboration

1207.7327 (Adam Bzdak et al.)

Charge-Dependent Correlations in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions and
the Chiral Magnetic Effect

Adam Bzdak, Volker Koch, Jinfeng Liao