Tuesday, March 20, 2012

1110.4809 (Daniel Kikola et al.)

Nonflow "factorization" and a novel method to disentangle anisotropic
flow and nonflow

Daniel Kikola, Li Yi, ShinIchi Esumi, Fuqiang Wang, Wei Xie

1112.4552 (Yachao Qian et al.)

Single Spin Asymmetry through QCD Instantons    [PDF]

Yachao Qian, Ismail Zahed

1203.3878 (S. Zhu et al.)

Nature of yrast excitations near N=40: Level structure of Ni-67    [PDF]

S. Zhu, R. V. F. Janssens, M. P. Carpenter, C. J. Chiara, R. Broda, B. Fornal, N. Hoteling, W. Krolas, T. Lauritsen, T. Pawlat, D. Seweryniak, I. Stefanescu, J. R. Stone, W. B. Walters, X. Wang, J. Wrzesinski

1203.3890 (J. Okołowicz et al.)

Asymptotic normalization coefficients and continuum coupling in mirror

J. Okołowicz, N. Michel, W. Nazarewicz, M. Płoszajczak

1203.3900 (W. Zheng et al.)

Search for Spin-Dependent Short-Range Force Using Optically Polarized
$^3$He Gas

W. Zheng, H. Gao, B. Lalremruata, Y. Zhang, G. Laskaris, W. M. Snow, C. B. Fu

1203.4006 (F. J. Fattoyev et al.)

Neutron skins and neutron stars    [PDF]

F. J. Fattoyev, J. Piekarewicz

1203.4029 (Qing-Yong Lin et al.)

Revisiting the production of charmonium plus a light meson at PANDA    [PDF]

Qing-Yong Lin, Xiang Liu, Hu-Shan Xu

1203.4039 (Ritesh Kshetri)

Modeling an array of encapsulated germanium detectors    [PDF]

Ritesh Kshetri

1203.4057 (O. V. Miklukho et al.)

Polarization and spin correlation parameters in proton knockout
reactions from s1/2 - orbits at 1 GeV

O. V. Miklukho, A. Yu. Kisselev, D. A. Aksenov, G. M. Amalsky, V. A. Andreev, S. V. Evstiukhin, A. E. Ezhilov, O. Ya. Fedorov, G. E. Gavrilov, D. S. Ilyin, A. A. Izotov, L. M. Kochenda, P. A. Kravtsov, M. P. Levchenko, D. A. Maysuzenko, V. A. Murzin, T. Noro, D. V. Novinsky, V. A. Oreshkin, A. N. Prokofiev, A. V. Shvedchikov, V. Yu. Trautman, S. I. Trush, A. A. Zhdanov

1203.4060 (Makoto Tabata et al.)

Recent progress in silica aerogel Cherenkov radiator    [PDF]

Makoto Tabata, Ichiro Adachi, Hideyuki Kawai, Masato Kubo, Takeshi Sato

1203.4198 (Kh. U. Abraamyan et al.)

Resonance structure in the γγ and $π^0π^0$ systems in
dC interactions

Kh. U. Abraamyan, A. B. Anisimov, M. I. Baznat, K. K. Gudima, M. A. Kozhin, V. I. Kukulin, M. A. Nazarenko, S. G. Reznikov, A. S. Sorin