Friday, October 19, 2012

1210.5010 (P. W. Zhao et al.)

Crucial test for covariant density functional theory with new and
accurate large-scale mass measurements from Sn to Pa

P. W. Zhao, L. S. Song, B. Sun, H. Geissel, J. Meng

1210.5011 (Nguyen Dinh Dang et al.)

Giant dipole resonance in $^{201}$Tl at low temperature    [PDF]

Nguyen Dinh Dang, Nguyen Quang Hung

1210.5025 (D. Pocanic et al.)

New studies of allowed pion and muon decays    [PDF]

D. Pocanic, A. Palladino, L. P. Alonzi, V. A. Baranov, W. Bertl, M. Bychkov, Yu. M. Bystritsky, E. Frlez, V. A. Kalinnikov, N. V. Khomutov, A. S. Korenchenko, S. M. Korenchenko, M. Korolija, T. Kozlowski, N. P. Kravchuk, N. A. Kuchinsky, M. C. Lehman, D. Mekterovic, E. Munyangabe, D. Mzhavia, P. Robmann, A. M. Rozhdestvensky, S. N. Shkarovskiy, U. Straumann, I. Supek, P. Truöl, Z. Tsamalaidze, A. van der Schaaf, E. P. Velicheva, V. P. Volnykh

1210.5026 (Derek Teaney et al.)

Non-linear flow response and reaction plane correlations    [PDF]

Derek Teaney, Li Yan

1210.5045 (Md. Nasim)

Systematic investigation of partonic collectivity through centrality
dependence of elliptic flow of multi-strange hadrons in Au+Au collisions at
$\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV in STAR

Md. Nasim

1210.5199 (Mustafa Mustafa)

Measurements of Non-photonic Electron Production and Azimuthal
Anisotropy in $\sqrt {s_{NN}} = 39$, 62.4 and 200 GeV \auau\ Collisions from

Mustafa Mustafa

1210.5217 (Thomas A. Trainor)

Dijet production, collision centrality and backgrounds in high-energy
p-p collisions

Thomas A. Trainor