Wednesday, November 7, 2012

0807.1941 (Terence J. Tarnowsky)

Long-Range Multiplicity Correlations in Relativistic Heavy Ion
Collisions as a Signal for Dense Partonic Matter

Terence J. Tarnowsky

1211.1047 (Rainer J. Fries et al.)

Jet-Tagged Back-Scattering Photons For Quark Gluon Plasma Tomography    [PDF]

Rainer J. Fries, Somnath De, Dinesh K. Srivastava

1211.1087 (Du Zhong-Wei et al.)

Gamma Ray Array Detector Trigger Sub-System    [PDF]

Du Zhong-Wei, Su Hong, Qian Yi, KongJie

1211.1145 (Martin Hoferichter et al.)

Isospin breaking in pion-deuteron scattering and the pion-nucleon
scattering lengths

Martin Hoferichter, Vadim Baru, Christoph Hanhart, Bastian Kubis, Andreas Nogga, Daniel R. Phillips

1211.1148 (J. Stahov et al.)

Evaluation of the Pion-Nucleon Sigma Term from CHAOS data    [PDF]

J. Stahov, H. Clement, G. J. Wagner

1211.1161 (Liliana Apolinário et al.)

An analysis of the influence of background subtraction and quenching on
jet observables in heavy-ion collisions

Liliana Apolinário, Néstor Armesto, Leticia Cunqueiro

1211.1166 (Marton Vargyas et al.)

Effects of chain decays, radial flow and $U_{A}(1)$ restoration on the
low-mass dilepton enhancement in $\s_{NN}=200$ GeV Au+Au reactions

Marton Vargyas, Robert Vertesi, Tamas Csorgo

1211.1207 (V. P. Goncalves)

Probing the Odderon in coherent hadron - hadron interactions at CERN LHC    [PDF]

V. P. Goncalves

1211.1264 (Claudio Ciofi degli Atti)

Diffraction on nuclei: effects of nucleon-nucleon correlations and
inelastic shadowing within an improved Glauber-Gribov approach

Claudio Ciofi degli Atti

1211.1294 (A. Rakotozafindrabe et al.)

Ultra-relativistic heavy-ion physics with AFTER@LHC    [PDF]

A. Rakotozafindrabe, R. Arnaldi, S. J. Brodsky, V. Chambert, J. P. Didelez, B. Genolini, E. G. Ferreiro, F. Fleuret, C. Hadjidakis, J. P. Lansberg, P. Rosier, I. Schienbein, E. Scomparin, U. I. Uggerhoj

1211.1304 (Yoritaka Iwata et al.)

Synthesis of thin-long heavy nuclei in ternary collisions    [PDF]

Yoritaka Iwata, Kei Iida, Naoyuki Itagaki

1211.1350 (Lokesh Kumar)

STAR Results from the RHIC Beam Energy Scan-I    [PDF]

Lokesh Kumar