Friday, March 1, 2013

1302.7226 (M. Osipenko et al.)

Measurement of neutron yield by 62 MeV proton beam on a thick Beryllium

M. Osipenko, M. Ripani, R. Alba, G. Ricco, M. Barbagallo, P. Boccaccio, A. Celentano, N. Colonna, L. Cosentino, A. Del Zoppo, A. Di Pietro, J. Esposito, P. Figuera, P. Finocchiaro, A. Kostyukov, C. Maiolino, D. Santonocito, M. Schillaci, V. Scuderi, C. M. Viberti
The design of a low-power prototype of neutron amplifier recently proposed within the INFN-E project indicated the need for more accurate called for detailed data on the neutron yield produced by a proton beam with energy of about 70 MeV impinging on a thick Beryllium target. Such measurement was performed at the LNS superconducting cyclotron, covering a wide angular range from 0 to 150 degrees and a complete neutron energy interval from thermal to beam energy. Neutrons with energy above 0.5 MeV were measured by liquid scintillators exploiting their Time of Flight to determine the kinetic energy. For lower energy neutrons, down to thermal energy, a $^3$He detector was used. The obtained data are in good agreement with previous measurements at 0 degree with 66 MeV proton beam, covering neutron energies >10 MeV, as well as with measurements at few selected angles with protons of 46, 55 and 113 MeV energy. The present results extend the neutron yield data in the 60-70 MeV beam energy range. A comparison of measured yields to MCNP and Geant4 Monte Carlo simulations was performed.
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