Tuesday, January 1, 2013

1102.3973 (Michael McGauley et al.)

Off-Fermi Shell Nucleons in Superdense Asymmetric Nuclear Matter    [PDF]

Michael McGauley, Misak M. Sargsian
Recent observations of the strong dominance of proton-neutron (pn) relative to pp and nn short-range correlations (SRCs) in nuclei indicate on possibility of unique new condition for asymmetric high density nuclear matter, in which the pp and nn interactions are suppressed while the pn interactions are enhanced due to tensor interaction. We demonstrate that for sufficiently asymmetric case and high densities the momentum distribution of the smaller p-component is strongly deformed with protons increasingly populating the momentum states beyond the Fermi surface. This result is obtained by extracting the probabilities of two-nucleon (2N) SRCs from the analysis of the experimental data on high momentum transfer inclusive electro-nuclear reactions. We fitted the extracted probabilities as a function of nuclear density and asymmetry and used the fit to estimate the fractions of the off-Fermi shell nucleons in the superdense nuclear matter relevant to neutron stars. Our results indicate that starting at three nuclear saturation densities the protons with fractional densities 1/9 will populate mostly the high momentum tail of the momentum distribution while only 2% of the neutrons will do so. We discuss the implications of this condition for neutron stars and emphasize that it may be characteristic to any asymmetric two component Fermi system with suppressed central and enhanced short-range tensor interactions between the two components.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1102.3973

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