Thursday, September 6, 2012

1209.0816 (F. Farget et al.)

Isotopic fission fragment distributions as a deep probe to
fusion-fission dynamics

F. Farget, M. Caamano, O. Delaune, O. B. Tarasov, X. Derkx, K. -H. Schmidt, A. M. Amthor, L. Audouin, C. -O. Bacri, G. Barreau, B. Bastin, D. Bazin, B. Blank, J. Benlliure, L. Caceres, E. Casarejos, A. Chibihi, B. Fernandez-Dominguez, L. Gaudefroy, C. Golabek, S. Grevy, B. Jurado, O. Kamalou, A. Lemasson, S. Lukyanov, W. Mittig, D. J. Morrissey, A. Navin, J. Pereira, L. Perrot, M. Rejmund, T. Roger, M. -G. Saint-Laurent, H. Savajols, C. Schmitt, B. M. Sherill, C. Stodel, J. Taieb, J. -C. Thomas, A. C. Villari
During the fission process, the nucleus deforms and elongates up to the two fragments inception and their final separation at scission deformation. The evolution of the nucleus energy with deformation is determined by the macroscopic properties of the nucleus, and is also strongly influenced by the single-particle structure of the nucleus. The fission fragment distribution is a direct consequence of the deformation path the nucleus has encountered, and therefore is the most genuine experimental observation of the potential energy landscape of the deforming nucleus. Very asymmetric fusion-fission reactions at energy close to the Coulomb barrier, produce well-defined conditions of the compound nucleus formation, where processes such as quasi-fission, pre-equilibrium emission and incomplete fusion are negligible. In the same time, the excitation energy is sufficient to reduce significantly structural effects, and mostly the macroscopic part of the potential is responsible for the formation of the fission fragments. We use inverse kinematics combined with spectrometers to select and identify the fission fragments produced in $^{238}$U+$^{12}$C at a bombarding energy close to and well-above the Coulomb barrier. For the first time, the isotopic yields are measured over the complete atomic-number distribution, between Z=30 and Z=63. The experimental set-up also allows to identify transfer-induced reactions, which lead to low-energy fission where the nuclear shell structure shows a strong influence on the fission-fragment distributions. The resulting set of data gives the possibility to observe the fission fragment properties over a wide range of excitation energy, and they reveal the vanishing of the shell effects in the potential energy of the fissioning nucleus, as well as the influence of fission dynamics.
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