Monday, September 3, 2012

1208.6362 (Alice Ohlson et al.)

Jets and Jet-like correlations in STAR    [PDF]

Alice Ohlson, for the STAR Collaboration
The propagation and modification of hard-scattered partons in the QGP can be studied using various types of jet and jet-like correlation measurements. The STAR detector with its full azimuthal and large pseudorapidity acceptance, as well as its wide transverse momentum (pT) coverage, is well-suited for these measurements. At mid-rapidity, azimuthal correlations of charged hadrons with the axis of a reconstructed trigger jet are used to study the modification of jet shapes and associated hadron yields from p+p to Au+Au. Dihadron correlations with back-to-back high-pT hadron pairs are used to investigate dijets and fragmentation biases. STAR's increased particle identification capabilities due to the Time-Of-Flight detector are utilized to investigate the differences between jet-related and bulk-related particle production. Dihadron correlations with identified trigger particles provide experimental tests of simple recombination theories. The comprehensive set of STAR jet-quenching measurements can be used to further constrain theories of parton energy loss at RHIC.
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