Thursday, August 16, 2012

1208.2969 (Z. Kohley et al.)

Exploring the neutron dripline two neutrons at a time: The first
observations of the 26O and 16Be ground state resonances

Z. Kohley, A. Spyrou, E. Lunderberg, P. A. DeYoung, H. Attanayake, T. Bauman, D. Bazin, B. A. Brown, G. Christian, D. Divaratne, S. M. Grimes, A. Haagsma, J. E. Finck, N. Frank, B. Luther, S. Mosby, T. Nagi, G. F. Peaslee, W. A. Peters, A. Schiller, J. K. Smith, J. Snyder, M. J. Strongman, M. Thoennessen, A. Volya
The two-neutron unbound ground state resonances of $^{26}$O and $^{16}$Be were populated using one-proton knockout reactions from $^{27}$F and $^{17}$B beams. A coincidence measurement of 3-body system (fragment + n + n) allowed for the decay energy of the unbound nuclei to be reconstructed. A low energy resonance, $<$ 200 keV, was observed for the first time in the $^{24}$O + n + n system and assigned to the ground state of $^{26}$O. The $^{16}$Be ground state resonance was observed at 1.35 MeV. The 3-body correlations of the $^{14}$Be + n + n system were compared to simulations of a phase-space, sequential, and dineutron decay. The strong correlations in the n-n system from the experimental data could only be reproduced by the dineutron decay simulation providing the first evidence for a dineutron-like decay.
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