Wednesday, April 25, 2012

1204.5404 (J. Nieves et al.)

Neutrino Energy Reconstruction and the Shape of the CCQE-like Total
Cross Section

J. Nieves, F. Sanchez, I. Ruiz Simo, M. J. Vicente Vacas
We show that because of the multinucleon mechanism effects, the algorithm used to reconstruct the neutrino energy is not adequate when dealing with quasielastic-like events, and a distortion of the total flux unfolded cross section shape is produced. This amounts to a redistribution of strength from high to low energies, which gives rise to a sizable excess (deficit) of low (high) energy neutrinos. This distortion of the shape leads to a good description of the MiniBooNE unfolded CCQE-like cross sections published in Phys.Rev. D81 (2010) 092005. However, these changes in the shape are artifacts of the unfolding process that ignores multinucleon mechanisms.
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