Tuesday, February 28, 2012

1202.5658 (Bao-Jun Cai et al.)

Lorentz covariant nucleon self-energy decomposition of the nuclear
symmetry energy

Bao-Jun Cai, Lie-Wen Chen
Using the Hugenholtz-Van Hove theorem, we derive analytical expressions for the nuclear symmetry energy $E_{sym}(\rho)$ and its density slope $L(\rho)$ in terms of the Lorentz covariant nucleon self-energies in isospin asymmetric nuclear matter. These general expressions are useful for understanding the Lorentz structure and the microscopic origin of the nuclear symmetry energy in relativistic covariant formulism. As an example, we analyze the Lorentz covariant nucleon self-energy decomposition of $E_{sym}(\rho)$ and $L(\rho)$ within the nonlinear $\sigma$-$\omega$-$\rho$-$\delta$ relativistic mean field model.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1202.5658

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