1202.1457 (Vahe Mamyan)
Vahe Mamyan
Jefferson Lab Experiment E04-001 used the Rosenbluth technique to measure
R=\sigma_{L}/\sigma_{T} and F_{2} on nuclear targets. This experiment was part
of a multilab effort to investigate quark-hadron duality and the
electromagnetic and weak structure of the nuclei in the nucleon resonance
region. In addition to the studies of quark-hadron duality in electron
scattering on nuclear targets, these data will be used as input form factors in
future analysis of neutrino data which investigate quark-hadron duality of the
nucleon and nuclear axial structure functions. An important goal of this
experiment is to provide precise data which to allow a reduction in
uncertainties in neutrino oscillation parameters for neutrino oscillation
experiments (K2K, MINOS).
This inclusive experiment was completed in July 2007 at Jefferson Lab where
the Hall C High Momentum Spectrometer detected the scattered electron.
Measurements were done in the nuclear resonance region (1 < W^{2} < 4 GeV^{2})
spanning the four-momentum transfer range 0.5 < Q^{2} < 4.5 (GeV^{2}). Data was
collected from four nuclear targets: C, Al, Fe and Cu.
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